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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fun at home

Grammie's angels jumping on the trampoline--- static hair is always funny!! Miss K would have a fit if she knew I was posting this picture. She's at the age when she can be embarassed so easily.
There's 7 years difference in their ages but they get along well together and Miss K ALWAYS takes up for the Lil Angel, especially when they're at daycare.
In March the weather was still a little cool but it didn't take long for them to shed the coats.
Birds outside my window - they must be hawks, they're too far up and look too big to be robins.
Just soaring in the sky, bobbing eith the air currents.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thanks so much for visiting me and becoming a follower. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Your granddaughters are lovely, they look as though they're having great fun on the trampoline.


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