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Thursday, March 31, 2016

The sands of time.........

Our DS will be 47 years old tomorrow, I always ask him how he got to be that old, the years have gone by so quickly.  It seems like only  a few years ago that he was living at home, going to school, and beginning his own life.

When he was 14 years old, DH helped him buy his first car and he's never slowed down.  These two pictures are him checking one of the race cars that the two of them have had.  He's so talented and works so hard, and they have won many races, including Alabama State Championships and National Championships.

They are BFF's and have a wonderful relationship.  We are so blessed that our children are loving and respectful to us and all the people that they meet.  (Both of them would hate that of all the pictures, I chose to use this one.)

My "little boy", and his daddy.  It seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital, checking his tiny fingers and toes.  DH didn't see him until he was 6 months  old because he was in the Army and in Viet Nam when he was born.  My Daddy called him his fishing partner and Mom showed him how to cook and be "self-sufficient ", so his future wife wouldn't have to wait on him hand and foot.
He's the father of 6 children, 3 grandchildren, (with another one on the way), and has taught them respect and love for others.  His greatest heartache was the death of his 13 year old daughter when she was killed in a car accident, but his faith in God has helped him through it, (although we don't always understand God's reasoning) and he says one of these days he knows he will see her again and understand.
As a Mama, I could write a book, I'm so very, very  proud of this young man and love him dearly.  So I'll close and save something for another day.
Hope y'all have a blessed evening, and thanks for stopping by........

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