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Monday, February 8, 2016

Estate sale finds...

I was lucky to be one of the first people preview an estate sale.
 There were quilts and a chenille bedspread !!!  She charged $10.00 for each piece, and I gladly paid that and QUICKLY loaded them into my car.

The hexagon quilt has been used and loved, but the colors are still pretty.  The binding can be replaced or sewn over.  A hexagon quilt is on my to-do list, it would be a great carry along project while going to doctor appointments.

The next quilt is in prime condition and apparently was a present to the lady.  She was involved in sorority functions and it was presented to her.  The butterflies are so cute, and each is embroidered differently, with the seamstresses name on the blocks. 

Both quilts are large enough for a queen bed and I'm anxious to use them.  I also bought a sewing box, never used, so it makes me wonder if the owner sewed at all.  She has a daughter but obviously she wasn't interested in the quilts.  Truthfully, I didn't need them either but couldn't leave them behind.

God bless and hope y'all have a great evening.

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