We had a busy weekend again. Saturday, Mom and I helped several other ladies decorate the church for our Homecoming and Sunday packed the decorations away after the dinner. As always, there was good Baptist country cookin'. The sermon was exceptional, Bro. Jeff was on fire for the Lord. My dad didn't feel well enough to go to church or lunch, that's such a rarity for him - he never misses church. He told mom that if his health continues to fail like this next year, he'll not be around. He never has recovered completely from the pneumonia in February.
Lil' Angel went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. Every year, they take her to pick out the pumpkin they'll carve together.
The picture below is Miss K and her older sister. Miss Princess is the oldest of eight grandchildren.
(If you click the picture you can count the freckles on Miss K's face!!. She wouldn't like me adding this picture but since she doesn't read my blog - she'll never know.) She looks like our DS, and thankfully has his personality.
I think I did some sewing over the weekend but don't remember what it was. I did decorate the house or at least put out all I'm doing for Halloween. Christmas seems just around the corner and I'd like to finish some of my UFO's..I sew and quilt for special family members because not everyone appreciates the time and love put into the pieces. I made dad a quilt for his birthday in Sept so I have to think of something else for him...
The clouds are gathering outside -- I hope we get some of the rain predicted, we've been under tornado watch all day.----- Hooray, it's raining.!!! Thank you Lord...
1. The rain and sounds of thunder.
2. My DH sleeping better at night.
3. The hospital jewelry sale - (got some cute Christmas gifts)