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Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Update on my Dad..
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord. Dad is feeling much better. Last Tuesday when I was at their house, I went "on a rant"... for the longest time I've tried to get him to take VEMMA (a nutritional supplement) and he has always complained. Anyway, I referred the same liquid to a church member who was having health issues (gout, bug bite with a swollen arm, staph infection) and within 3 days the swelling had gone down, no infection and no gout. After about the third time of saying "I don't know why people don't believe me, but the VEMMA does work" he said he would try it again. They have had a bottle in their refrigerator for 3 weeks. So... he started taking a dosage (2 oz.) and by Friday night his voice was stronger, he was sleeping in his bed without the bad coughing spells, his facial color was back. He felt so good that on Sunday he drove to a nearby town (60 miles away) for his sister's birthday and then came to church in the evening when they arrived home. last night, as we were doing our church "meet & greet" (it's a Southern thing), the pianist was playing a lively tune and he started swaying and flailing his arms....he feels so much better -- it sounds impossible, but he acts like his old self...
Mom is also taking it REGULARLY/DAILY and her health is better - she had gotten so tired from being the care giver.
1. My parents health.
2. Closeness with my daughter.
3. My DH choosing to take VEMMA......
Monday, October 25, 2010
The weekend....
On the beach at sunset: "Mommy, God lives in your heart and comes out in the morning to put out the sun". (From the mouths of babes)
We had a busy weekend again. Saturday, Mom and I helped several other ladies decorate the church for our Homecoming and Sunday packed the decorations away after the dinner. As always, there was good Baptist country cookin'. The sermon was exceptional, Bro. Jeff was on fire for the Lord. My dad didn't feel well enough to go to church or lunch, that's such a rarity for him - he never misses church. He told mom that if his health continues to fail like this next year, he'll not be around. He never has recovered completely from the pneumonia in February.
Lil' Angel went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. Every year, they take her to pick out the pumpkin they'll carve together.

I think I did some sewing over the weekend but don't remember what it was. I did decorate the house or at least put out all I'm doing for Halloween. Christmas seems just around the corner and I'd like to finish some of my UFO's..I sew and quilt for special family members because not everyone appreciates the time and love put into the pieces. I made dad a quilt for his birthday in Sept so I have to think of something else for him...

We had a busy weekend again. Saturday, Mom and I helped several other ladies decorate the church for our Homecoming and Sunday packed the decorations away after the dinner. As always, there was good Baptist country cookin'. The sermon was exceptional, Bro. Jeff was on fire for the Lord. My dad didn't feel well enough to go to church or lunch, that's such a rarity for him - he never misses church. He told mom that if his health continues to fail like this next year, he'll not be around. He never has recovered completely from the pneumonia in February.
Lil' Angel went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. Every year, they take her to pick out the pumpkin they'll carve together.
The picture below is Miss K and her older sister. Miss Princess is the oldest of eight grandchildren.
(If you click the picture you can count the freckles on Miss K's face!!. She wouldn't like me adding this picture but since she doesn't read my blog - she'll never know.) She looks like our DS, and thankfully has his personality.
I think I did some sewing over the weekend but don't remember what it was. I did decorate the house or at least put out all I'm doing for Halloween. Christmas seems just around the corner and I'd like to finish some of my UFO's..I sew and quilt for special family members because not everyone appreciates the time and love put into the pieces. I made dad a quilt for his birthday in Sept so I have to think of something else for him...
The clouds are gathering outside -- I hope we get some of the rain predicted, we've been under tornado watch all day.----- Hooray, it's raining.!!! Thank you Lord...
1. The rain and sounds of thunder.
2. My DH sleeping better at night.
3. The hospital jewelry sale - (got some cute Christmas gifts)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
An angel with her guitar

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dad's Blessings

An update on my dad: He came through the procedures just fine and the doctor said his "pipes" were clean. We all were concerned that he might have stomach or colon cancer but the doctor said he didn't have anything internal. The relief on his face was so good to see, and he said several times he was glad everything was okay and it was good to know for sure. When I called my DH, he said "I told you all, he's going to live to be 100" (that's only eight years away). Dad is a tough bird but the last year has been hard on him.
He's home now and him and mom are doing good - probably taking a nap.
1. Lord's goodness and mercy.
2. Beautiful sunny day.
3. My mom teaching me to sew.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Pumpkin Patch / Dad / sewing
I have been working on Miss K's quilt for Christmas. She chose pink, green and black as her colors, that's way out of my comfort zone!! I already had 11 little girls embroidered, and had to think of a way to incorporate them. Fortunately, in my stash was some material with the blue, turquoise, and black colors. A few weeks ago, while at my local GW, there was a huge bag of turquoise thread - all the same number & color for $2.00 !! well, as I started sewing, I could tell why it was so cheap - the turquoises aren't the same shade but they're close enough I'm using them... it's one of those things I'll notice every time I see it but it will be okay for her to put on the bed....
My dad goes tomorrow for another procedure - his hemoglobin still isn't high enough (9.7) so the dr wants to check and see why..thinking maybe he's losing blood somewhere.
I'll be with mom, she's looking more and more tired. The care-giver gets down just as much as the patient. say a prayer that he'll get through this...
1. My Lord for helping me daily.
2. My job and understanding supervisors
2. My job and understanding supervisors
3. My family and emotionally supportive children
Friday, October 8, 2010
Chubby Checker

And he still looks like this, not too heavy and the jeans fit good!!
(The picture is from his website, that's why it's a little distorted.)
My DD, DS2, Miss K, Lil Angel and I went to the local county fair and he was performing. The kids rode all the rides they wanted to and we were ready to go home when he finally started singing. Sooooooo, my DD asked me if I wanted to stay, shyly "the kids are tired" "yeah, but you may never get this chance again" "OK!". I'm glad we stayed and they agreed with me - it was the best part of the fair...we stayed an hour, he was still singing, non-stop, and wasn't even winded, and didn't slow down! The crowd was huge, so since we had the kids we left before he finished in order to get them out of the rush. Miss K enjoyed it as much as I did and wanted to know " is he famous?" maybe all the vinyl records I've saved should be given to her. For years, I spent my baby-sitting money and my small allowance on records and posters. Oh - what good memories!!! The days of the sock-hops, drive-ins, poodle skirts and great music.....they were so much fun .......
On the way home I told them I could remember the lyrics but couldn't tell you what I had for dinner two weeks ago. Her memories are Saturday mornings, cleaning house and listening to the "oldies". She said it was fun and some of her best memories -- who would have thought that would be a good memory when I was "working her like a Hebrew slave". (family joke).
I feel so blessed, they are very good about taking me places with them, and fortunately, we get along and can laugh together. More great memories.....
Have a good weekend, I'll try to do some sewing..
1. My children, family
2. Autumn weather
3.My health
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Fun at home
Grammie's angels jumping on the trampoline--- static hair is always funny!! Miss K would have a fit if she knew I was posting this picture. She's at the age when she can be embarassed so easily.
There's 7 years difference in their ages but they get along well together and Miss K ALWAYS takes up for the Lil Angel, especially when they're at daycare.
In March the weather was still a little cool but it didn't take long for them to shed the coats.
Birds outside my window - they must be hawks, they're too far up and look too big to be robins.
Just soaring in the sky, bobbing eith the air currents.
Wish me luck --- I've signed up again for an on-line class at our local college. Maybe I'll do better at that instead of not following directions regarding deleting blog posts!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
oh no!!
Oh no!!! I just found the comment delete button and thought I should clean up my blog -----
if you haven't already, don't do that!!! what a mistake, I lost all the beautiful comments from my blogger friends...... I hate that, I would go back and reread the comments when I was having a bad or dreary day..... and that can't be replaced.... if anyone knows how - please let me know if I can recover the comments.
if you haven't already, don't do that!!! what a mistake, I lost all the beautiful comments from my blogger friends...... I hate that, I would go back and reread the comments when I was having a bad or dreary day..... and that can't be replaced.... if anyone knows how - please let me know if I can recover the comments.
I have been reluctant to post any pictures of my youngest granddaughters but since their moms have added them to their facebook accounts, here goes..... caution--many pictures to follow..
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I changed my design photo, it looks like autumn, one of my favorite seasons. What am I saying --any season that isn't 100 degrees is my favorite season !!
It is finally cooler in the south and has been for a few days now. The high today is 64, wind slightly blowing, sun shining and just gorgeous outside.
It is finally cooler in the south and has been for a few days now. The high today is 64, wind slightly blowing, sun shining and just gorgeous outside.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Flowers for my friends
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The picture was taken a year or so ago. My DH is on the right, by me, and our son is on the left. The other two are associated with NASCAR racing, of course, what else since my guys like racing and have just built another car.
My DH checkup went well. His lab work was in normal range but it's been 10 years since he had a stress test so Dr. R scheduled one for this week. It's a nuclear stress test -- neither one of us has had that kind, they'll give him an IV with some dye.
UPDATE: My DH did just fine, praise God, no blockages but the atrial fib causes his heart to be "sluggish". The only thing to do for that is to continue with current meds.
Friday, September 17, 2010
My "Special" Dad

This picture is one of my favorite. It's our youngest GD with my dad, he will be 92 next Tuesday and she's 2! I'll start this post by praising God for bringing him through surgery yesterday. He had bone cancer several years ago, its been in remission, but for the past two years he has had several places removed off his face, neck, arms and has had his nose reconstructed. Yesterday the doctor operated on his left arm and had to go deep to scrap the bone to clean the area. Dr. K. also removed a spot on his neck that was cancer but Dad came through surgery just fine. It scares all of us when he goes to the doctor, he has already said he's not going through radiation or chemo -- he is very thin, has other medical problems and says he's ready to go when God decides to take him home. My mom has a pace maker, she's 82, and naturally our concern is for her also. But praise the Lord they are okay although tired from yesterday. Next Thursday we will find out what the pathologist said about his arm and DR. K said we would discuss treatment, but we already know dad's not agreeing to any treatment.
Mom and I sat in the waiting rooms sewing - she's making a yo yo pillow and I was embroidering on a GD's panels for her quilt. I thought of how much she has taught me, my sewing and quilting have been the best therapy for me through the years. I told my DD that when I'm anciently old and go to the nursing home and I'm sewing in the air to please explain what I'm doing. haha What would you like to have if you were stranded on a deserted island? DD says "Mom would want her sewing bag". I have sooooo many UFO's it's not fynny. What would some of you want on a desert island??
Today my DH goes to Dr. R , the cardiologist, for his checkup. With all this, I'm so glad my health is okay and the fibro is not causing too much pain. I've found the best thing for me to combat the fibro is VEMMA. It's all natural and helps in so many other areas - cholesterol, depression, staphe infection, diabetes, weight, etc etc etc. I can't take Lyrica, it left me too woozy, I couldn't function properly at work. I still continue to take a mild sleeping pill (I started that when God took our DGD to live with him in heaven) but VEMMA PM, for sleeping, will be on the market in November - I'm anxious to try it so I can stop taking pills.
Our weather has been a little cooler in the mornings but still is in the 90's by the afternoon. I'm ready for the coolness of Fall... my flower beds need attention and pine straw needs to be put on them. It's just been too hot to be outside on the weekends or when I get home from work.
Thank for letting me ramble, I better stop blogging and start doing something more productive.
Hope all of you have a great weekend.... Dad's birthday party will be Sunday afternoon after church. He's looking forward to it -- he knows we will cook his favorite dishes. !!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Doilies & chores
Isn't it strange how certain smells or tastes bring back such memories. My Grandma Patton always made butterscotch pudding and homemade bread for us when we visited her. We usually visited during the summer and had all the garden goodies from the traveling produce truck. Dose anyone remember the "traveling produce trucks" that used to come through the neighborhood for folks that didn't grow their own veggies? My grandfather was a coal miner, they lived on a little piece of land, with not much growing space, so they never had a garden of their own. He did raise honey bees during the depression so the family could have honey and he sold a little of it to the neighbors. Theer's alsp stories of the moonshine still in the basement but the family won't talk much ablout it -- I need to remember to ask my mom.
I just read the cutest blog of a husband taking care of a wife, who has recently had surgery.. you have to give him credit for trying. Isn't it strange how men just think the house "takes care of itself" but they don't know how to wash clothes without the underwear getting pink, or looking at the dates on packages so the money isn't wasted on expired items.
Friday, July 2, 2010
July 4th
My mom took this picture when our national guard was deployed to Afghanistan, there were two fire trucks holding it over the main street of our little town.

On this wonderful 4th of July weekend, I wish you all well, joy and happiness. I'm from a military family and I guess I'll always get misty eyed and proud when I hear The Star Spangled Banner. My children were raised to place their hand over their heart in a salute to the flag and, likewise, they have taught their children to do the same. It amazes me how many Americans don't do this or totally ignore and talk during observance to the flag - that's a pet peeve of mine, my grandfather, FIL, husband and dad fought for them to have this freedom and it just ircks (if that's a word) me for them not to show respect.
Wow, let me get off my soapbox and again wish you all a great weekend, enjoy your freedoms...Love to all....

On this wonderful 4th of July weekend, I wish you all well, joy and happiness. I'm from a military family and I guess I'll always get misty eyed and proud when I hear The Star Spangled Banner. My children were raised to place their hand over their heart in a salute to the flag and, likewise, they have taught their children to do the same. It amazes me how many Americans don't do this or totally ignore and talk during observance to the flag - that's a pet peeve of mine, my grandfather, FIL, husband and dad fought for them to have this freedom and it just ircks (if that's a word) me for them not to show respect.
Wow, let me get off my soapbox and again wish you all a great weekend, enjoy your freedoms...Love to all....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I made "Bugs" little sundress last night, with a matching hair bow. The dress has an elastic top with ribbon ties so we'll see if she likes it. Right now she's going through a "too tight" phase so she'll decide for herself if she likes the dress. I hope so, even though it was one of those materials with the elastic already in it. I also finished a placemat that "Race Queen" started for her mother. She has already decided sewing is not her cup of tea. She prefers making jewelry, either necklaces or bracelets. Naturally, all the women of the family have several bracelets.
The weather is so hot here - we haven't gotten much rain this week and the temps have been high 90's. It's too hot to breath......
I went to a childs funeral this morning. The little boy was 3 years old and drowned in the swimming pool at his mother's house. It was hard, but with God's help I made it through the funeral without a lot of tears. All funerals are difficult since our Jessie is now a Heavenly Angel.
I took a Lyrica last night at 9:00 p.m. and this morning at 6:30 a.m. I still didn't want to get out of bed. The leftover feeling is like being drunk with a bad hangover, and it's been several years since we've done any partying. I never have been much on taking medicines and I guess this is one that doesn't agree with me. So I took 2 mild pain pills before coming to work and 3 Arthritis Tylenol at lunch. This is the first time today I don't feel sore. I'm glad Dr T gave me a sample of the Lyrica so I didn't waste my money purchasing this myself.
The weather is so hot here - we haven't gotten much rain this week and the temps have been high 90's. It's too hot to breath......
I went to a childs funeral this morning. The little boy was 3 years old and drowned in the swimming pool at his mother's house. It was hard, but with God's help I made it through the funeral without a lot of tears. All funerals are difficult since our Jessie is now a Heavenly Angel.
I took a Lyrica last night at 9:00 p.m. and this morning at 6:30 a.m. I still didn't want to get out of bed. The leftover feeling is like being drunk with a bad hangover, and it's been several years since we've done any partying. I never have been much on taking medicines and I guess this is one that doesn't agree with me. So I took 2 mild pain pills before coming to work and 3 Arthritis Tylenol at lunch. This is the first time today I don't feel sore. I'm glad Dr T gave me a sample of the Lyrica so I didn't waste my money purchasing this myself.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A follow-up on the previous blog : Dr. T prescribed Lyrica for the fibro, but when I take that I could eat everything in sight and can't seem to stay out of the refrigerator. If I continue like that I'd be as big as a cow. So, I didn't take any yesterday, finally fell asleep at 1:15 a.m. this morning, was in a medium amount of pain, and only slept until 4:00 a.m.., at midnight I wished I had taken the Lyrica at 9:00 p.m., like I had been doing, I knew 1:00 a.m. was too late and I would want to sleep past 6:00 a.m. when I'm supposed to get ready for work. There must be a happy medium somewhere -- does any one know of any or what are you taking?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
How do I start this post? I went to the doctor's yesterday and the diagnosis I thought it was going to be is true - I have fibromyalgia. That was the only thing that could explain some of the symptoms - chronic fatigue, tiredness, lack of sleep, sore muscles & joints. I had been taking slight pain pills fro what we thought was arthritis but since the muscles are so sensitive he changed the medication. I know I'm getting older but still I didn't think I should give "out of steam" so fast that I couldn't finish a small chore. Anyway, I'll go on from here - now that we know. Several of my cousins have fibro and according to the internet its a predisposition and somewhat hereditary. My mom was more upset than I, but she already sees the effects on other people. I follow a blogger who has fibro and she was so kind as to answer my comment. It helps knowing that I can reach out to someone. I think it is so strange that I feel more comfortable talking with my blogger friends than my "real life" friends (whom I haven't told yet).
I changed the main picture on the top of the blog. Once again, I was inspired by a fellow blogger. Her pillow was cute with all the yo yo's and my mom gave me several, so I made a pillow. I used a navy background instead of a white. I have so many projects started that I need to finish - I guess I need to pick up the pace to get them done.....and to the family members I promised them to....
I changed the main picture on the top of the blog. Once again, I was inspired by a fellow blogger. Her pillow was cute with all the yo yo's and my mom gave me several, so I made a pillow. I used a navy background instead of a white. I have so many projects started that I need to finish - I guess I need to pick up the pace to get them done.....and to the family members I promised them to....
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Pillow Swap
I did a pillow swap with and my pillow arrived Saturday. It's so pretty, my colors are pink and all country colors so this fits in my decor nicely. It's always such fun to see who sends your pillow to you, since the names are given in secret.
The top picture doesn't do it justice, I was trying to get close so you could see the flowers - they really are pretty.
Thank you to jamie and my swap buddy....
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I've always taped my childrens art pictures on the refrigerator now the next generation is filling Grammie's refrigerator. "Bug" knows her pictures and she tells anyone those are hers and the other is "Big Girls". Naturally she says their real names. She likes to tape her own pictures. After a while I take those down, add them to an album and they add new ones. As you can tell, the refrigerator is full.
There's 5 years difference between our son and daughter and when she was little like Bug, she taped her drawings and he made fun of them. Well, I looked in the folder, brought hers and his out from earlier years and he realized his began the same way. Now he's a talented artist, doesn't paint or draw much anymore but can when he chooses.
The top has magnets and two coke bottle top hot pads, you know, the grapes that everyone was crocheting years ago. My mom made 2 for me and I've had them so long they aren't purple anymore. She is so creative and can do all kinds of sewing and knitting.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Earth Day 2010
I just had to share these photos, my parents live in an apartment at a retirement complex and were honored with a white crape myrtle for all their volunteer work that they do around there and also in the community. As you can see, they were surprised -- I later asked Mom "didn't you wonder why the family was here?" "No" "didn't you wonder why I had my camera?" "No"........
They are an exceptional couple, with their love for the Lord, their zeal for life and all the activites they do. She's 82 and he will be 92 in September. God has blessed us with them for such a long time. Three years ago while he was at the doctor's office for surgery pre-op, she had a heart attack. The doctor brought her around, EMS transferred her to the hospital, there she died twice more, they brought her around and finally transported her to a hospital 35 miles away, they did surgery and gave her a pace maker. It's hard to imagine that someday either one of them might be gone, I get choked up just thinking about it, so I try not to think about it. She's such a blessing to our family and even though he's my step-dad we love him just like he has always been ours.
Just wanted to share, I love that picture --- it's hard to surprise them with anything!!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Bugs ponytails
Do you remember your children ever saying, "when I have children I won;'t say that!" or "when I have children I won't do that!" well, I had to laugh when our "Bug" came out of her house with ponytails.... you know, that's one of those things her mom said she wouldn't do to her child....yeah right, famous last words (oh now I hear my mom's voice)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Memories, children
In August 2000 we disbaned, shut-down, or quit trucking. The family had a trucking company and the economy and other factors helped us make the decision to close shop and bring the trucks home. Anyway, we moved from a LARGE older home and had to put alot of my household goods in storage. With my daughter's help, we got in the storage van last Sat, took out lots of boxes and I went through a lot of items, trying to find places for all of my "treasures" in a much smaller house. There were items from my mom, my grandma, MIL, aunts and even an antique plate from an uncle.
As I opened some of the boxes, the tears started flowing - I can't decide why - maybe because I can finally have some of my treasures or the memories from the past. There were books given to my children, who are now 41 and 34 and toys from the small grandkids who are now 24 - 18, and even some that belonged to our lil' angel who now lives in heaven with God.
I don't know what I'd do without her help. She's supportive in anything I want to try and, bless her heart, she's a good person and mother. My son is also helpful but doesn't live right next door to me so he's not called upon as often but he stil loves me. As I look back on their childhood, I now feel like there were times when I should have done things differently but neither one of them seem to hold anything against me - God, I hope not and I'm thankful for their love and devotion.
It seems like most of my posts are about my family, but honestly, I do a lot of sewing, quilting and a little gardening. I need to show ya'll some of my sewing projects, maybe tomorrow.
As I opened some of the boxes, the tears started flowing - I can't decide why - maybe because I can finally have some of my treasures or the memories from the past. There were books given to my children, who are now 41 and 34 and toys from the small grandkids who are now 24 - 18, and even some that belonged to our lil' angel who now lives in heaven with God.
I don't know what I'd do without her help. She's supportive in anything I want to try and, bless her heart, she's a good person and mother. My son is also helpful but doesn't live right next door to me so he's not called upon as often but he stil loves me. As I look back on their childhood, I now feel like there were times when I should have done things differently but neither one of them seem to hold anything against me - God, I hope not and I'm thankful for their love and devotion.
It seems like most of my posts are about my family, but honestly, I do a lot of sewing, quilting and a little gardening. I need to show ya'll some of my sewing projects, maybe tomorrow.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Haunted house, party, & grandchild
showers at this old house. She looks like an angel coming through the yard. She's the singer of the family and has won several awards, both money and trophies. I wish she would sing more in church, everyone just loves her voice and she's just as pretty on the inside - that's the important part of her personality.
I LOVE gingerbread look on the house and could easily live there.
I LOVE gingerbread look on the house and could easily live there.
1. Family - that are there to help as needed.
2. God - who sustains me and gives me forgiveness and grace.
3. Friends - although we don't talk alot, I know who I can counnt on.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Family racing
The family sure had a busy weekend!! My oldest grandson, "The Racer", drove in his first race Sat night. I asked him if he was nervous, he said "No" but I guess the rest of us were anxious enough for him. He chose to start at the back of the pack and before long he had passed five of the other cars. The above photo shows him climbing into the car, ready for his first line up. He got bumped one time by another car, now the car has a scuffed paint job on the lower left hand side but other than that it looks like it did when he left his yard - it's always good when the car isn't scrapped down the side, either by another car or the wall.........
Our family has raced for many, many, many years; my DH and I were talking Sat about how the "torch" has been passed to the third generation - our children grew up at the local track, brought their children and now the grandchildren. Our family is close and, forthunately, we get along with each other.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Veggie garden

Time just seesm to slide by,,,it's always so long between posts. I never think of my life being that busy, but with job, DH, parents, children, grandchildren and church the days seem to pass by, but I wouldn't change any of my days.. the above piccie of daffodils isn't my yard but isn't it lovely??
Anyway -- my DD and GD #5, the 2 yo tu-tu dancer, and I planted a small garden this past Saturday. We know where the potatoes and corn are but when the lil' girl started opening the packages -- well, now we have vegetable soup in the ground and we'll just have to see where & what plants come up !!! She had a good time and that's really what counts. Who knows, maybe she'll be the one with a green thumb; that would be nice - her mom and I don't have them. My mom had beautifil productive gardens and reaped a lot of veggies. We should have planted Good Friday and the potatoes should have been planted by the end of February, at least that's how it is where we live. This year we tried somehting new to us -- we built a box 8' X 16', filled it with peat moss, compost, and some top soil. That's called "box gardening" (I read it in a book) and we thought it would be easier than tilling up the ground and fighting grass and weeds all summer. We live in the country so maybe the bunnies and deer won't eat too many veggies. We'll see...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Bunny Swap
I received my Bunny Swap package and was so very pleased. I've only participated in 2 swaps but have been happy with both packages. Anyway, let me show you some piccies... the first is all the loot sent by my swap buddy; there was fabric, candy, buttons, a dish cloth and a beautiful purple brooch. The second is a paper/cardboard egg from Germany. I was so surprised with this - I remember having one when my dad was stationed in Germany, I was 4-6 yo. (Ancient times). My package came from AZ and the one I sent went to WA state. That's part of the fun, not knowing exactly where your package is coming from but your partner able to choose items especially for you.. Thanks again, swap buddy, I'm enjoying all my goodies...
Monday, March 29, 2010
movie - surprise

We got a surprise this weekend .... We took our 9yo GD to see "Alice in Wonderland" with Johnny Depp as one of the stars. The surprise was the maturity level of the movie; it sure isn't Disney. The movie itself was good, very fast paced, and she enjoyed it so that's what matters. But then again, she's a VERY mature 9yo, it wouldn't have been suitable to take the 2yo -- Toy Story 3 will be showing soon, maybe she can go see that movie.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Someone asked about the 7yo boy in the previous post - he's doing fine, he's home with his family. He had a blood infection and apparently it was a touch and go situation. If Nurse S. hadn't realized what he had it could have been fatal. She insisted transporting him to Atlanta to the children's hospital, which the doctor followed up on. Again, God is good and answers prayers.
Good morning to all my blog buddies. It's been a while since the last post, but I have been working on some UFO's. It seems like I have a lot of those. I had begun a family picture quilt for my DH, with log cabin squares in between the piccys, but then decided to take those out and do pics and sashes only for that quilt, (it's still a UFO). I had more log cabins than I thought, so I added some more this weekend and right now it could be a nice lap quilt but I think I'll go for at least the twin size. After looking at the "cabins", I wish I had waited and made a different pattern instead of little squares, but that's way too much sewing to'll just have to stay like that!! My DD and DH wanted to know who that was for - I guess they're used to me giving away everything I make. All of your blogland quilts are so pretty on ya'lls walls, I may just keep this one - but then the size would be fine for now...decisions, decisions, decisions....
And as a grandmother I have to brag a little --- our oldest GD won the Middle Georgia Talent Search this weekend. God has given her such a beautiful voice. She has been asked to be the lead-in singer for a well-known gospel group that will be performing next weekend. Probably Thursday night - it's a hours drive, and it's a work day and I'd like my parents to see her on stage, but you know us grammies -- we'll go to the end of the earth for our children......
the picture above was taken at our church, they always enjoy her singing.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The sun is shining and the birds are singing (I can hear them outside the window). But if you read this blog - please add a 7 yo little boy to your prayer list; he is the son of an acquaintance and is on a ventilation tube and fever of 104... he also has a heart condition, since birth, and now it looks so very shaky for him and his family. It's emotionally hard on the family for a child to be sick and there's really nothing you can do to change it but to pray....God kows what His plans are and we're not always supposed to understand them...
It makes me thankful that my children and grandchildren are healthy. Sure, we all had the virus but that is nothing compared to some other illnesses.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Bily Morgan paintings
Thursday, February 18, 2010
As the World turns......
I've never really quite understood how depressed "older" people got when they realized a building of their youth was gone. Most all of our family's generation, (DH,SIL,BIL friends) went to Baker High School in the mid 60's - early 70's. Well, after many years of neglect, the city is demolishing the school sometime during the summer of 2010. One of the graduates has taken 86 pictures of the building, inside and out, as it stands now. I can understand why the city wants to demo the building but it still is upsetting to see it torn down. So many years of neglect... a closing chapter of my life...I guess that's really the upsetting part - now I'm one of the "older" group.... when did that happen??? lol
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Are you ready for Spring??? Us folks down south are !!! South Georgia actually had snow this past weekend but unfortunately my DH and I missed it -- we had the stomach virus that has spread throughout our family. The only snow I saw was when I was coming home from work Friday afternoon, and then DH asked me "Can you see how big the flakes are?" The only ones I saw was the reflection in the mirror of the window !! what a jip !! Our DD took pictures of the 2 yo baby in the snow but as a grammie, you know that's not going to be the same as seeing her for myself.. not to mention the 8 yo GD playing in the snow (we missed that too)...!!!
I just read another blogger who has had a spinlal injury - that sure does make my problems seem small....
My Gratitudes:
1. My health, which on the average is very good
2. My family - children & grandchildren
3. My "extended family"
4. My daring husband - who picked me up off the floor when I was too weak to stand...
5. My Mom -- she will never know how much I love her and wish I could be like her..
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
We've had such a busy few days --- our DGD #4 had appendectomy surgery 11:30 pm Saturday night, she got out of recovery at 1:00 am Sunday morning, she's 8 years old and looked so little lying in the hospital bed. Now DGD #5 has had the stomach virus for two days, she's only 2 years old - when her mom took her ot the doctor's yesterday he prescribed suppositories for vomiting:
"How do I do this?"
"Get a glove, stick it in, just like taking her temperature."
"We don't use that kind of thermometer."
you know, now the young mothers have a digtal and we had to learn how to read the old mercury thermometers...
"How do I do this?"
"Get a glove, stick it in, just like taking her temperature."
"We don't use that kind of thermometer."
you know, now the young mothers have a digtal and we had to learn how to read the old mercury thermometers...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
As I was dressing for work this morning I realized the shirt I thought was black is actually navy. I've been wearing that shirt with black pants, other people must have thought I was silly..
It's a rainy cold today, we're all waiting on the sunshine - but not the 90 degree weather of summer.
DH's uncle is very ill and the family takes turns going to their house to check on him and DH's aunt. Listening and praying for all the sick people in the family sure does remind me that none of us are getting younger. This uncle has played a guitar and sang for as long as I can remember, and I've been in the family more than 42 years. Now he's on oxygen most all the time and is quickly out of breath and energy. The last time they were at our house, June 2009, I videoed (is that a word ?) him playing and singing with my FIL who plays a harmonica. I'm so glad I did that.....
It's a rainy cold today, we're all waiting on the sunshine - but not the 90 degree weather of summer.
DH's uncle is very ill and the family takes turns going to their house to check on him and DH's aunt. Listening and praying for all the sick people in the family sure does remind me that none of us are getting younger. This uncle has played a guitar and sang for as long as I can remember, and I've been in the family more than 42 years. Now he's on oxygen most all the time and is quickly out of breath and energy. The last time they were at our house, June 2009, I videoed (is that a word ?) him playing and singing with my FIL who plays a harmonica. I'm so glad I did that.....
Monday, February 1, 2010
Parents, Church Choir
My parents are still staying in their house and not going out in this cold wind, they missed church yesterday and they don't like to be absent. Dad is in the choir and Mom is in the nursery, (when it's her time) so they are missed. When Dad was hospitalized he weighed 109 pounds !! after a different doctor looking at his medicines and removing some of them, as of today he weighs 120 pounds !! Truly he was dehydrated - was given meds and fluids...and now is feeling so much better. They tried over the counter meds and wasn't getting any better -- they now have decided that maybe they shouldn't self-medicate.
Ms. L, our choir director, has tried to increase the folks in the choir, especially including the youth. She gets so frustrated and she's done such a good job, but you know, sometimes us older folks don't like change. My darling granddaughter, "Beauty Queen", sang two songs as a special and was asked to sing again Feb 14th., maybe she'll join the choir - she would be an asset.
Ms. L, our choir director, has tried to increase the folks in the choir, especially including the youth. She gets so frustrated and she's done such a good job, but you know, sometimes us older folks don't like change. My darling granddaughter, "Beauty Queen", sang two songs as a special and was asked to sing again Feb 14th., maybe she'll join the choir - she would be an asset.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
After reading Brenda's blog at Cozy Little House, it seems like I don't blog enough. I DO enjoy reading blogs and enjoy pictures from all over the world. Anyway, I'll try to blog more often.
The last few days have been extremely busy - both of my parents were admitted to the hospital on Monday with pneumonia and released on Tuesday - thank God. They had been sick and were dehydrated but today is Thursday and they're doing much better. We are sooooo lucky to still have them - my mom is 81 and my dad is 91.. he remembers when the streets in our town were brick and there were horses instead of so many cars. My DD was so helpful in all she did to make sure they had everything they needed and taking meals to them.. we've decided they will have dinner with us every Tuesday, (they have dinner plans every Thursday) and with our other family functions during the week we can make sure they're eating properly. You know, it's always better to eat a meal someone else has prepared.
After saying all that, I feel like I've been too chatty -- opinions ayone?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Cold days in Georgia
It's been cold in South Georgia for quite a few days now. We're not used to the 18-20 F degree weather, so far we haven't had broken water lines, (we've left the water dripping) if we can make it a couple more nights the weather is supposed to return to normal, at least in the low 30's at night. The sun is shining but the wind is cold.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Pillow Party

I just visited Rhondi (
at her Pillow Party, thanks for sponsoring such a cute idea.
This is one of a set I did many months ago, it was a panel and was made while sitting with my DH at Emory hospital in Atlanta. He is well, we went for heart atrial fib.
Silly Saturday

Silly Saturday----a little late
I just had to share this photo of my 59th birthday. My children thought this was sooooo funny when they brought the cake in from the kitchen, I should have guessed something when they brought in the fire extinguisher !!! My DD has had a lot of fun with my birthday ever seen the 40th. The other pics are more family and I promised not to show them, (I'll have to figure out how to blur the babies faces), my favorite pic is the two of the grandchildren with me, one on my lap and the other right beside me...what would I ever do without my children and grandchildren, they truly are my blessings of life.
1. My family, and extended family.
2. My God, pastor and church family.
3. We are blessed and thankful that my family has warm houses during these cold days.
An update on Elvis' birthday --- DH and I went to a Todd Allen show Friday night !!!! if you've never seen him and get the chance, please was my DH's birthday present from DD, DSIL, "Bug", DS, Mom and Dad Sparky. It was his b'day but I sure got the chance to enjoy it !!! Bought two of his tapes and have played them all weekend, while cleaning house. It was a very entertaining show and his Elvis impersonation was TERRIFIC!!!! I'll have to add the pics later. As always, the weekend was not long enough to get everything on my list completed. Do you ever get all your list done??
Isn't that the most georgous hair you've ever seen??
Friday, January 8, 2010
Today is Elvis Presley's birthday !!!!! if he was still living he would be 75 years old. One year for my birthday my DD & DS gave me a trip to Graceland, DD let me borrow her new Camaro and I drove to Chattanooga to pick up my friend, so we could make the trip together. We drove across the bottom of TN, instead of driving the interstate to Memphis, we wanted to take the "scenic route". DD already had our room, so we didn't have to hurry. The next morning we were up at 7:00 am waiting for the stores and the Elvis doo-dahs to open, after all, we wanted to beat the crowd !!! The day was GREAT and we had such a good time !!!!!!!! It seems like only yesterday but it's been several years. What lovely memories......
Thursday, January 7, 2010
It's a New Year
Another year begins and this year I'm not making resolutions, I'm just trying to be a better person to others and especially myself. Being a self-critical person is not a god thing (you'd think I'd have learned that by now).
The holidays were filled with family and friends and a dear "child" coming home from Afghanistan for two weeks. He requested we have a fish-fry and chili cooking so we all ate and enjoyed every bite of it. It was so good to see him, it's hard to think about him leaving to return over there. May the Lord keep him safe until he returns home again.
Our decorating was very minimal this year and I've been sick with a cold so the Christmas decorations are still not packed away, maybe that will be my job for the evening. I did put my mom's vintage ornaments on the mantel, she thinks they are from 1954, when we lived in Germany. When I took them out of the box this year, they were a little sticky 'cause I had wrapped them in good ol' Wal Mart bags. -my children say I couldn't live without those bags - so this time I'll wrap them in tissue paper to store them. The ornaments have their own special box and I keep them in the top of my closet instead of the usual totes. They are soooo very special to me and they can't be replaced. I feel lucky mom gave them to me when she downsized her house.
The holidays were filled with family and friends and a dear "child" coming home from Afghanistan for two weeks. He requested we have a fish-fry and chili cooking so we all ate and enjoyed every bite of it. It was so good to see him, it's hard to think about him leaving to return over there. May the Lord keep him safe until he returns home again.
Our decorating was very minimal this year and I've been sick with a cold so the Christmas decorations are still not packed away, maybe that will be my job for the evening. I did put my mom's vintage ornaments on the mantel, she thinks they are from 1954, when we lived in Germany. When I took them out of the box this year, they were a little sticky 'cause I had wrapped them in good ol' Wal Mart bags. -my children say I couldn't live without those bags - so this time I'll wrap them in tissue paper to store them. The ornaments have their own special box and I keep them in the top of my closet instead of the usual totes. They are soooo very special to me and they can't be replaced. I feel lucky mom gave them to me when she downsized her house.
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